
Typescript vs. Javascript – Which one is better?

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Typescript vs. javascript

In the dynamic world of web development , choosing the right tools is one of the critical factors for the success of the project. The two main software development services in this field are JavaScript and TypeScript, two languages ​​that, while sharing similarities, differentiated major potential debt project growth significantly.

Recognized for its versatility in web development, JavaScript has established itself as a key pillar in client-side design

This language, recognized for its ability to adapt to a wide range of projects, has defined the web experience for decades. In contrast, TypeScript, emerging as an enriching JavaScript superset, offers a more robust structure and makes it easier to manage large-scale projects.  

In this article we will delve into the distinctive features of JavaScript and TypeScript, to provide a clear view of their advantages and limitations; and how these affect aspects such as scalability, maintainability and efficiency in the development cycle of a project.

What is TypeScript?

TypeScript (TS), an open source programming language developed by Microsoft, represents a powerful evolution in the world of JavaScript. Primarily designed to improve JavaScript application development, TypeScript extends and enriches the JavaScript syntax, aiming for early error detection in complex and large-scale projects. Its ability to identify potential problems before and even during the coding phase makes it an invaluable tool for developers.

The uniqueness of TypeScript also lies in its support for definition files . These files, which store information about existing JavaScript library types, are analogous to header files in C/C++, describing the structure of object files. This feature allows other programs to interact with the values ​​defined in these files as if they were TypeScript entities, thus benefiting from a static typing environment. This approach not only improves code quality, but also makes it easier to manage complex projects, providing a solid foundation for developing robust and scalable software.

Why use TypeScript?

  • Supports JS libraries and API documentation
  • It is an optionally written scripting language
  • TS code can be converted to simple JS code
  • The code structuring and object-oriented programming techniques it offers are better
  • Contains better development time tool support
  • Has the ability to extend the language beyond async/await

Advantages of TypeScript

  • Shows compilation errors during development time (pre-compile). Thanks to this, the chances of making an error are lower.
  • TS supports static typing, so correctness can be checked at compile time. A feature that is not available in JavaScript.
  • TypeScript is JavaScript but with new features; i.e. ES6 functions. Also, although it may not be supported by the target browser; however, TS can compile .ts files on ES3, ES4 and ES5.


  • Although it is a superset of JavaScript, not all JS functions are fully supported or easy to verify.
  • TypeScript introduces additional concepts and syntax that create a deeper learning curve for engineers new to the language.
  • TypeScript can cause an overhead to your code base in terms of file size. Even so, this overhead is usually minimal compared to the benefits it provides in terms of maintainability and reduction of errors at runtime.

What is JavaScript?

JavaScript (JS) is a dynamic and versatile programming language, essential in web development , it is defined as object-oriented, prototype-based, imperative and weakly typed. It is primarily used to create interactive web pages and applications in the browser , allowing manipulation of content and user interface. 

Additionally, its use has expanded to servers (Node.js) , mobile applications and desktop software. JavaScript is fundamental to the modern web experience, driving interactivity and functionality on most websites today.

Why use JavaScript?

  • It is an open source project sponsored by Microsoft
  • This tool is designed for small projects
  • Runs in any browser
  • Allows cross compilation
  • Can be extended to write large applications
  • Supports classes, interfaces and modules

JavaScript Advantages

  • JavaScript is easy to learn as it has a simple and accessible syntax for custom software development services
  • JavaScript is extensible as it can be extended by using libraries and frameworks. For example, React, Angular, Vue.js, etc.) and makes it easy to create complex applications without reinventing the wheel.
  • Modern JavaScript engines such as Spider Monkey (used in Firefox) can be executed quickly, making them responsive and high-performing.


  • JavaScript has a dynamic programming language, meaning that variables are not tied to specific data types. This flexibility could result in unexpected behavior and runtime errors, specifically in large and complex codebases.
  • When it comes to large projects, language scalability can be complex. Therefore, strong typing and stricter organizational practices are necessary to manage the codebase as it grows.
  • JavaScript running in a browser has security limitations as it can be vulnerable to cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. Therefore, developers must pay special attention to security practices.
  • JavaScript codebases can become bloated due to the inclusion of unnecessary libraries, dependencies, or functions. So performance and loading times may be affected.

Differences between Typescript and Javascript

Static typing:

In JavaScript there are no types . Unlike TypeScript, which is a strongly typed language, where you can create generic types or interfaces.


While TypeScript offers custom software development company direct support for modules, JavaScript does so through ECMAScript 6.


JavaScript does not support tuples, but TypeScript does.


JavaScript does not have decorator support, but TS does.


While JS does not support interfaces, in TS interfaces are essential and thanks to them more advanced scenarios can be created.


At the end of our comparative analysis between TypeScript and JavaScript , an essential question arises: Which is the most suitable for your project? The answer varies significantly depending on the nature and scale of your initiative. For smaller projects, where agility and simplicity are paramount, JavaScript stands out for its ease of use and flexibility. This language is perfectly suited to rapid, experimental developments, where strict structure can be more of a hindrance than a help.

On the other hand, for medium to large-scale projects, TypeScript is the preferred option. Its static type system and advanced features offer a robust framework that makes it easy to manage the complexities inherent in more ambitious projects. This robustness is especially valuable in collaborative environments and in developments that require long-term maintainability and scalability.

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